Mammoth Lakes Trails & Public Access Foundation

Your Input Is Critical! by swger
June 30, 2009, 12:42 pm
Filed under: Messages from the SWG Partners

I hope everyone has received the recent e-mail detailing the Working Group’s next steps. Please review and let me or Kim know if you have any questions. We need everyone to help make the next meeting a success!
Austin McInerny (facilitator)

I’m an SWG participant, using this fabulous blog! by williamcaldrich
June 17, 2009, 3:23 pm
Filed under: Messages from the SWG Partners

Hello, folks! This is Kim Stravers from MLTPA.

This is what a post by a Sherwins Working Group participant looks like. Always remember to IDENTIFY YOURSELF at the beginning of each blog post so we know who wrote it.

Hit me up if you have questions. Thanks!

–Kim Stravers