Mammoth Lakes Trails & Public Access Foundation

Eastern Section Field Trip –
August 18, 2009, 7:38 pm
Filed under: Field trips


This is Chuck Megivern. First, thanks to Doug Will, Jen Noerdlinger, Patty Schwartzkopf, Jim Barnes, and John W. for the excellent field trip on Sunday. I think a lot of good ideas and discussion came out of this trip. I am interested in leading a similar field trip that will focus on the eastern side of the area. We will start at Mammoth Creek Park and work our way to the top of the hill behind Snowcreek and back. This route will allow us to look at several issues and opportunities addressed on the summer and winter maps. I will be available on a weekday evening this week, or Monday or Tuesday of  week. Based on Sunday’s trip, I would plan on about 3 hours, so we should probably plan on starting around 3 p.m. Please e-mail me at if interested, or call the MLTPA office at (760) 934-3154, or just post here.


SWG Western Sector Recon Hike to be led by John Wentworth
August 13, 2009, 8:22 pm
Filed under: Field trips

This is John Wentworth. I am going to have to leave town on Tuesday, August 18, and would like to lead a hike this coming Sunday — August 16 — that will examine the western sector of the SATSS study area. There are some great opportunities that have yet to be fully explored in the summer narratives and excellent viewpoints and vistas of the entire area. Sunday is the only chance that I’ll have to lead this hike before having to leave town. Please call me at 934 1279 or send me an email at or leave a comment on this blog. Haven’t set a time or meeting place yet — looking to see who might be interested.

Best to all,


Steve Speidel, “trail blazer”
July 21, 2009, 9:06 pm
Filed under: Field trips


Steve Speidel, TOML

I am ready to re-schedule a “trail blazer” hike down the west side of the SWG study area. I have Fri. July 24th @ 10 am set for a start time to spot cars at the end of Tamarack Street. ( Alt. day Sat July 25th same time and place). From there we can car pool to the Mill City parking area and hike from there “down into the meadow”.

The terrain is rough, boots, long pants, long sleeves!!!

RSVP  Steve  (760) 914-3409

See you soon


Trail Walk “Death March” with Steve – Update
July 21, 2009, 9:04 pm
Filed under: Field trips, Messages from the SWG Partners

Hello everybody, John Wentworth here. Steve has had a personal situation come up and he won’t be able to lead the the two hikes on Friday and Saturday Morning. We are taking a rain check for now and hope to be getting out into the field next week when we have a better idea of Steves circumstances. Please feel free to sign up in any event, and if Steve can’t make it, John Wentworth and other SWGers will – thanks!

Trail Walk “Death March”
July 7, 2009, 9:29 am
Filed under: Field trips

Hello All
I would like to lead a “Trail” walk to the western end of the SATSS area. We discussed this “route” at our last meeting. It is a “bushwacking” type route. So be prepared for a rough game trail. (boots and long sleeves)
That said I propose Fri. July 10th @ 10 am and Sat. July 11th @ 10 am. Meet at the Mill City parking area off Old Mammoth Road. We can walk up to the “trailhead” and then head down the draw and follow the “game trail”.
RSVP Call 934-8989 ext 286.

Thanks Steve Speidel, TOML

Your Input Is Critical!
June 30, 2009, 12:42 pm
Filed under: Messages from the SWG Partners

I hope everyone has received the recent e-mail detailing the Working Group’s next steps. Please review and let me or Kim know if you have any questions. We need everyone to help make the next meeting a success!
Austin McInerny (facilitator)